

Australia Single Malt Whisky
クレイドル・マウンテン(40度、 700ml) Cradle Mountain
Mark Shields, Wine & Spirit Critic, Melbourne Age 
"This is already an excellent product, of worldwide standard, which can only improve with further ageing in the wood.  It exhibits a pronounced smoothness, a mild but characteristic nose with a backnote hint of honey that is found in Franklin barley and a taste that is uniquely Tasmanian."
Michael Jackson, Wine & Spirit Author, London 
"It is a pale straw colour with fresh leather, waxed fruit, perhaps lemon-grass, and hay in the aroma. Very soft body with a smooth palate which is clean-tasting (no doubt deriving in part from the local water). Fruit-skins, citrus and lemon-grass in the palate. Fruity acidity in the finish, then a surge of mustard and pepper."
追記:Closed 1998
Small Concern Whisky Distillery、 オーストラリア
グレート・アウトバック(40度、 700ml) Great Outback
Cawsey Menck Pty, Ltd、 オーストラリア
ラーク・シングル・カスク(40度、 500ml) Lark's Single Cask
1992年、ビル・ラーク(Bill Lark)と リン・ラーク(Lyn Lark)夫妻により創業された小規模蒸溜業者。オーストラリア、タスマニア島で初の公式(ライセンスを保有する)蒸溜所となった。以来、創業の地キングストンを皮切りにし、1997年にリッチモンド、2001年に現在のホバートに落ち着く。リキュール製造用に小規模の蒸留機(500L,combination spirit/wash still)を導入。2002年5月、Peter Billy(Knapp Lewer Contracting) の手になるポット・スティル(容量1800Lの銅製ウォッシュ・スティル)を導入。自国産の大麦(フェノール値20ppm)とピートを使う。
ラーク蒸溜所ではシングルモルトの生産にフランクリン種の大麦を用い、1バッチ1300Lのフルーティなアルコール度数7%のウォッシュを仕込む。仕込みに用いる。大麦は タスマニア島で採れたピート(Brown Marsh Bog)を使って乾燥させたもので、甘やかだが、ピーティな風味を醸し出す要因となっている。このウォッシュを容量500Lの銅製の単式蒸留器で蒸留、ハチミツの様な甘やかさを呈するハートの部分のみを取り出す(ミドルカット)。得られたニューポットは容量100Lのワイン樽、ポート樽、シェリー樽に仕込み、3~5年間の熟成を施した後、巧みなヴァッティングが施される。
BOTTLED: Mer 06  Distilled by: Cask 43
蒸溜所ではシングルモルトの他に、Pure Malt Spirits, Pepperberry Gin & Vodka、Tasmanian Apple Schnapps, Cherry Max, Tasmanian Bush Liqueur等のスピリッツやリキュールも造っている。
Lark Distillery、 オーストラリア
サリヴァンズ・コーヴ(40度、 700ml) Sullivans Cove
サリヴァンズ・コーヴは、オーストラリアで2番目に古い”歴史的な”場所。タスマニア蒸溜所は、同地で伝統的な製法によるウィスキー作りを目指し、世界的にも認められる品質のシングルモルトをリリースするに至った。現在稼働中の単式蒸留器は、1860年代にデザインされたものだとか。仕込用水は近くの山系からの清冽な 水を使用。また、フランクリン種の大麦を素材にモルト造りが行われている。他にブレンデッドウィスキー「サリヴァンズ・コーヴ」、ブランデー「レッドコーツ」ジン「マウントウェリントン、ウォッカ、リキュール等を発売。ジャムやフルーツのリキュール漬け等、同蒸溜所産の酒をベースにした各種食品の製造販売も手掛けている。生産調整のためか、2002に操業を停止している。
同蒸溜所では見学コースも用意され、併設の博物館にはオーストラリア最古の単式蒸留器が展示されている。蒸溜所マネージャは、Robert Hosken 氏。
追記:タスマニア島ではかつて'Van Diemans Land'と名乗るコロニーに、1822年に創設された”オーストラリア初の”モルトウィスキー蒸溜所が存在した。
Tasmania Distillery、 オーストラリア
Bakery Hill Distillery
At Bakery Hill distilling is not just our profession it's our passion.
As with all classic single malt whiskies, Bakery Hill Distillery use only malted barley, yeast and water to ensure the true classic flavour and aroma of real single malt whisky.
Unlike many other malt whiskies, no caramel is added to improve the appearance. We believe the addition of caramel dulls and mutes the exceptionally fine flavour and nose of our malts.
Production commenced using Australian Franklin Malt but due to supply and consistency problems with this variety, a decision was made to continue using the Australian Schooner barley for both the Classic and Double Wood single malt whiskies. Initial trials and production of the Peated Malt whisky were completed using imported malt from the UK. It is anticipated that later in 2005 several thousand litres of malt whisky will be produced using Australian peat. The results of this will not be available for three to four years.
Wash is produced in 1000L batches which is then traditionally double-distilled in a copper pot still. All the spirit produced then passes through a locked spirit safe.
The initial wash distillation, which takes on average about 8 hrs, depending on the charge size and wash temperature, produces a low wine which is at about 26% alcohol by volume (ABV).
As steam is applied slowly and gently, a more complex and subtly different spirit is produced. The low wines produced from a number of wash distillations is collected and then re-distilled carefully to produce a wonderfully complex, new make spirit which is set aside for subsequent barrelling at 65% ABV.
Barrelling at Bakery Hill is done using select American Oak ex Bourbon barrels. French Oak casks are also used for the production of our classic double wood style.
The casks we use have volumes of either 50L or 100L and due to the greater contact area for the new spirit in these barrels we find maturation takes place more quickly and gives the malt a wonderfully complex character
Single cask, cask strength single malt whiskies.
Unique in the whisky world, Bakery Hill handcraft their whiskies in Australia and produce a malt of outstanding character, consistency and detail.
We aim to provide the ultimate whisky experience for even the most fastidious malt whisky drinker. Each bottle of Bakery Hill is drawn from a single cask at cask strength, meaning you will enjoy the malt at the same strength as it left the barrel in the distillery. Then add a splash of water, to enjoy it at the strength you prefer.
We adhere strictly to a policy of single cask production, so barrels are never blended and the truly unique nature of each barrel is maintained for your drinking enjoyment.
Bakery Hill offers you a truly exclusive opportunity to savour the most refined single cask, cask strength single malt whiskies available today.
Your whisky will be delivered by Australia Post Registered Mail. We charge a flat-rate of $9 per order. As a bonus, for orders over $250 delivery is free of charge.
Bakery Hill Cask Strength Peated Malt
Colour: Golden cedar.
Nose: Intense peat without being “over the top”. This expression is rich with crisp salt with over tones of dark cherry natural rich earthiness. Complex but delicate a well balanced single malt.
Palate: A cascading experience of flavour explosions, toffee, honeycomb, rich malt, gently warming with a suggestion of peat saltiness.
Finish: Immensely satisfying, well rounded and lingering. A mouth filling sensation, that remains long after the dram has departed.
500ml approx 60% abv.
Bakery Hill Cask Strength Classic Single Malt
Colour: Rich amber gold.
Nose: An intensely sweet satin smooth malt with overtones of vanilla, almond meal, sweet Jaffa orange all intermingled with rich dark chocolate.
Palate: The pallet is recognisant of spiced orange Turkish Delight with a fresh mouth cleansing zestyness all intermingled with fresh malty cereal and chunky oak. Rich and sweet but not clawing. A brilliant balance of sensations..
Finish: The finish is deep and enveloping with lingering malt richness.
500ml approx 60% abv.
Bakery Hill Classic Single Malt
Colour: Light translucent gold.
Nose: A complex sweet multi layering of green apples, spiced honey with just a hint of cider.
Palate: The flavour ramps up kaleidoscopically from nutmeg through spiced honey to a firm cereal with heaps of malty richness layered on as a finale.
Finish: Mouth filling, smooth and lingering, leaving a satisfying glow of inner warmth. Inspection of the glass reveal amazingly long luscious clinging beads of this superb malt whisky.
500ml approx 46% abv.
Bakery Hill Peated Malt
Colour: Rich gold russet of evening sunset.
Nose: A rich subdued peat aroma combined with a natural leathery earthiness with overtones of kumquat and fruit mince tart. Sweet but not sickly.
Palate: The palette reveals a tobacco leaf earthiness with layer upon layer of complex smoky peat that lingers on the lips and palette demanding just one more sip.
Finish: Astonishingly long and complex, an exotic mix of experiences.
500ml approx 46% abv.
Bakery Hill Double Wood Malt
Colour: A rich burnished bronze.
Nose: The nose opens with the slightest hint of apricot, coconut and plum and then reveals an intermingling of golden syrup, plum pudding all wrapped in the spicy hint of cloves.
Palate: Subdued, mouth filling with orange marmalade overtones with the characteristic rich nougat sweetness and well balanced oak.
Finish: Rounded, well finished, lingering to the very end.
500ml approx 46% abv.
Bakery Hill Peated Malt “Cask 14”
Cask 14 was the very cask that English whisky writer Jim Murray “ best small distillery malt whisky of the year”
Bakery Hill Distillery、オーストラリア
Australia Vatted Malt Whisky
アンティポディーン(54.4度、 700ml) Antipodean
Springbank, one distilled 1966, one in 1975, mixed together and bottled in 1994.
Michael Jackson, Wine & Spirit Author, London
"It shows a more flowery, with vanilla and coconut, aroma. Firm, smooth, body. Smooth sweetness in the palate, coconut-like, then salt.  More salt in an appetising, soothing, finish.  Warming.  Longer."
Small Concern Whisky Distillery、 オーストラリア
