Glendullan (ダラン川の谷)

Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4DJ
Current Owners UDV
Location Speyside
Water source Conval Hill springs (コンバルヒルの泉)
発酵槽 カラ松×8基
蒸留器 初×3基 再×3基
Capacity per year 3,700,000 Litres
ブレンド銘柄 オールドポー ブラック&ホワイト

1897-98 Established
1926 Acquired by Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)
1930 Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (SMD) take control
1962 Renovated
1972 Another distillery built next to original to boost production
1985 Original distillery mothballed

