2種類のヘビーヴェイパー入荷してます Two types of heavy vapours are in stock.

毎年のアードベックデーの1本です 左の白ラベルがアードベックコミッティー限定のもの
右の黒ラベルが国内向けです 違いはアルコール度数です コミッティーのが50度から51度

「アードベッグ ヘビー・ヴェーパー」は、ピュリファイアー(精留器)を使用せず製造された驚きの限定品。

The white label on the left is for the Ardbeg Committee only, and the black label on the right is for the domestic market.
The black label on the right is for the domestic market. The difference is the alcohol content.
The difference is the alcohol content.
You can only buy one bottle of the Committie’s, and it will be gone as soon as it’s gone…

(From the website)
Ardbeg Heavy Vapour is a surprisingly limited edition, produced without the use of a purifier.
A purifier is a pot-shaped copper component attached to the line arm between the distiller and condenser.
The quest to find out, “What would Ardbeg be without the purifier?” This quest has produced an unbeatable Ardbeg with a spicy mouthfeel and powerful aftertaste that lasts forever.




